Read This If You Are Pregnant.


In the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus expresses it’s desire of taste, smell, etc. through the mother who actually desires and wishes, if all these wishes are not fulfilled, honored or gratified then it is said that it leads to awful, defect eyed, blind, humpback or a paralysed child. The effects of drugs during pregnancy, infections, environmental toxins, alcohol or tobacco, all these effects.

As soon as conception is achieved, a woman has to follow the regime and the codes of conduct explained in Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar. Whatever the woman follows it is going to have an impact on the child, the same character is going to be found in the offspring, even the characteristic and inclination to a particular diet, these are passed on by the parents. Just conceiving is not important, rather than just getting conceived it is about having a healthy pregnancy throughout the nine months which is insured through the Garbhini Paricharya, the codes of conduct, the regime explained in ayurvedic garbha sanskar, during pregnancy it does not just ensure the healthy baby or the healthy delivery of the baby, it ensures the healthy status of the mother. All these things ensure not just the benefits for the child but also the benefits for the mother and also to prevent the postpartum complications. The behavior of a mother including the activities like reading, writing, listening, dreaming or just thinking, all these activities in one or the other way influences the psyche of the child. There was a study and in that study that the mother who is actually looking for the arrival of the child or the mother who is positively waiting for a baby, it is seen that those children are much more likely to be super healthy than those compared to the pregnant women who were rejecting the delivery or who do not actually wanted to be pregnant, who are having a negative attitude towards pregnancy. The mind and the body both play an important role to ensure the proper growth and development of all the organs during pregnancy. In ayurveda certain herbs are given to the mother that ensures proper growth and development of these organs that are being developed during the pregnancy.

The surrounding matters a lot, the clothes, money, grain, ornaments, jewellery, decoration, the nature, behavior, practices, etc. all of these things are to be followed as per the desirable child. It is also said that a woman should follow those characteristics or those practices she must do that she wants her child to do, practices like hearing truth, speaking the truth, doing charity, being happy, giving happiness to others, being compassionate or healthy, being forgiving, all these natures are very important for the mother to be followed during this very important time of pregnancy as she wishes her child to have. Whether it is any activity it is going to influence the child in every single way, more than just the iron, calcium and folic acid, the Masanumasik Aushadhi, the Panchakarma, Planned pregnancy is important, cool, calm mind is important. Hence the rule, regulations, the panchakarma, ayurvedic medications, planned pregnancy, certaing nasya treatments like vata shrunga, laxman, shivlinga, etc. specific herbs for the specific patients of specific prakruti, all these things have a tremendous impact on the child. The pregnancy is totally different, smooth, safe and painless delivery. We see overall, the child having a different personality, a great immunity, and overall very intelligent as compared to the other children. All these benefits are achieved, we can have them once we follow the ayurvedic garbha sanskar. These were some of the important points explained in the ayurvedic antenatal regime.

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