Prevent Daily Headache and Migraine with these Home Remedies


Do you face headaches on a daily basis? Do you often need to consume painkillers to stop the pain? Headache or migraine or weakness is a very common condition, in every family one or the person has this condition. So here we will talk about certain effective Ayurvedic solutions that will boost your Immunity and help you stay away from all these kinds of migraine or headache episodes. Migraine as we all know is a very common condition affecting more than 1 in 10 people. It’s rate is increasing due to the sedentary lifestyle and unnecessary consumption of medicines. Taking medicines each time you experience a headache without consulting a doctor has various negative effects on our mind and on various organs of our body. A few lifestyle changes and ayurvedic medications, panchakarma, treatments and do’s and don’ts holds the key to treating migraine from the root cause, not just managing, controlling or giving some kind of temporary relief. Migraine is a condition where people are absolutely troubled by regular episodes of headache. 


1] Pulsating or throbbing pain in the head.

2] One sided pain.

3] Nausea.

4] Mild confusions.

5] Vomiting sensations.

6] Pre-menstruation or post-menstruation headaches.


As per Ayurveda indigestion or untimely meals are the main causes of Migraine. Also there are certain triggering factors like a lot of noise, bright light or zig-zag lines (visual disturbances), stress, physical exertion, caffeine, etc. All these factors aggravate the fire element of our body that is the Pitta Dosha. Aggravation of Pitta Dosha obstructs the flow of the air element (Vatta Dosha) in the brain and further leads to throbbing pain. When a patient first complains of this condition regardless of how old or how severe it is, 5,10 or 15 years of regular headache, the first thing done after checking the patient’s condition is Jugular vein Raktmokshan. Raktmokshan is the blood letting therapy, within a few seconds of this treatment patients get relief. In most cases we see that after this treatment patients will never ever get symptoms of migraine unless a lot of Apathya is done. This is the result of Jugular vein Raktmokshan, if not Jugular vein then Raktmokshan can be done through the cubital vein of the left or right arm. By letting out blood both aggravated pitta and vatta are let out of our body. This treatment can only be done by an Ayurvedic doctor. Other treatments like Nasya, Virechana, Shiropichu, Basti, Shirodhar, etc give the patient fast results regardless of the severity.

There are several other medicines like swarna sutshekhar matra, kamdudha ras, godanti bhasma, etc which give you results within 15-20 minutes, the headache stops, feeling of fear is lost, acidity is gone. You stop all these things within 20 minutes which is pretty much faster than the medicines/ painkillers you might already be consuming. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor to guide you with dosage and way of consumption of these medicines. 


1] Nasya – It is said that “Nasa hi Shiraso Dwaram” , this phrase said by Acharya Vagbhata simply means medicines or medicated liquids given through the nasal root directly reach up to the brain and start it’s action. Early morning put 2-3 drops of Kumkumadi ghrita in each of the nostrils, after 5 minutes you get a sensation, get up gargle and drink a glass of warm water. This remedy gives best results for headaches. Other benefits of Nasya treatment are mentioned in our video, link of which is provided below. 

2] Bhrami – It is an excellent brain tonic. Bhrami ghrita (ghee form) is what we require here. If brahmi ghee is not available one can use normal cow’s ghee. So consumption of Bhrami ghee/ cow’s ghee about 10 ml mixed with half a cup of warm cow’s milk preferably after doing the Nasya therapy, gives unbelievable results These are 2 tips or remedies which show results/ changes within a week. If these remedies are done proper consultation of a doctor results are seen merely in days or even a few hours.


*Try to include cow’s ghee in your day to day life* 

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Nasya Benefits :-

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