6 Reasons that are Regularly Damaging your Kidneys


Kidney and Liver are 2 such organs that even if they are damaged about 50-75%, they wouldn’t show any symptoms. A person would not even know that these organs are damaged. The kidney’s function is to eliminate the toxins, the waste products from our body through urine. What could possibly be the reasons that are damaging your kidneys? 


1] In Ayurveda chapter 4 of Ashtānga Hridayam (Book), Acharya Vagabhatta expalins the concept of adharniya vegh, it means non-suppressible urges (Such urges which should never be suppressed. If they are suppressed then the Vatta Dosha increases in the body, once there is vatta prakop in the body it might lead to more than 80 diseases. One of the non-suppressible urges is Urination, if the urge of urination is always suppressed it will lead to diseases like Angabhanga – Spliting pain all over the body, Ashmari – Urinary Stones, Vasti Medha Vankshana Vedana – Pain in bladder, penis and the Groin region, etc. So make sure you empty your bladder from time to time. 

2] High intake of salt (sodium) whether it is iodized or non-iodized, any type of salt on an regular basis increases water retention in the body. More the water retention more will be the load on the kidneys to eliminate that sodium out of the body. More load increases the chances of damaged kidneys. Sodium is present in very high amounts in the packaged, fried food, chips, wafers, etc. 

3] Consuming painkillers and antibiotics for a longer period of time unnecessarily or without doctor’s guidance can be harmful and will put a load on the kidneys hence increasing the chances of kidney damage. 

4] As we discussed urination is a non-suppressible urge, similarly thirst is also a non-suppressible urge and it should never be suppressed. Whenever you feel thirsty drink water in an adequate amount. Water is essential for functioning of the kidneys. If the kidneys do not function properly then the waste products will build up in the body and it will increase every single day. So drink water in an adequate amount every time you’re thirsty. 

5] If you consume alcohol in excess amounts regularly then definitely there is double stress on the kidneys to excrete the acidic part out of the body. Also there will be more urination and once there is more urination the fluids from the body will be lost which will further lead to dehydration and it’s complications. So limit the intake of alcohol. 

6] High protein diets also put our kidneys at risk. No doubt protein is essential for our body but to digest and metabolize that protein, there are a lot of waste products and in order to excrete them there is a load on the kidneys. It can be harmful for a person if he/she consumes about 400-800gms protein per day there is definitely a higher risk of kidney damage. 

Overall if there is high alcohol intake or high salt intake on a regular basis there will be more water retention which means more load on the kidney, increasing the chances of kidney damage. On the other hand there will be more urge to urinate, more fluid will be lost resulting in dehydration and it’s complications. 

Extra Tip – Having kidney stones doesn’t mean your kidneys are damaged but having recurrent kidney stones results in higher risk of kidney damage. 

To Know More Watch Our YouTube Video :- https://youtu.be/Q–0xhIvDn4

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