Organ Clock and it’s Benefits


We all live in a very fast and compromised life. In this generation we live our lives as per our own schedule and never as per our nature. Ayurveda always says that once you go against nature, you will have to face the consequences. In the olden times, people used to wake up early in the morning by listening to the crowing of the roosters. All of us know that we get natural Vitamin D when we expose our skin to the early morning sunlight but have we ever done it? Why do we wake up late in the morning? One of the most common answers or reasons is that we sleep late at night. We are either on our phones, social media, studying for exams, doing work or we just are not able to sleep because of some or the other reasons/ thoughts and which is why we are unable to wake up early in the morning.

According to alternative medicine therapy there is a concept called the Organ Clock. This concept is approved by the World Health Organization.

As we can clearly see in this picture, the lungs are most activated during the morning and hence this time is the best for doing yoga, meditation or exercise. This can be considered as the best time to do your workout. One must at least do 3-4 rounds of Surya Namaskar during this time. The stomach is more activated during 7am -9am and the BMR (basal metabolic rate) is also high. Hence this is the best time to have breakfast. It is said that, Have your breakfast like a King, but this is not possible because of two conditions. First- There are people who wake up early in the morning but they have to rush to get ready for work and in the process they skip breakfast which is very bad for their health. Second- The people who are deep in their sleep during this phase. Both these conditions lead to indigestion which is the root cause of various major health problems. In several anorectal problems, heart diseases or musculoskeletal diseases, indigestion is the main cause. There is production of a toxic waste product in our body which is known as Ama and this can lead to various health ailments. As per Ayurveda, just by advising the patient Deepan- Pachan Chikitsa, the patient is relieved instantly. Deepan are the appetizers, such herbs that help in stimulating the digestive fire and pachan are such herbs that help in proper digestion of the food. Just by doing this kind of treatment the patient is relieved instantly. One must remember that it does not matter what diet you follow or healthy you are living your life or what kind of medicines you consume, unless you fix the roots which means waking up early in the morning, doing your exercises, having breakfast followed by work and then going to bed on time. In terms of Ayurveda the Organ Clock is known as Bhrama Muhurta. 

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