What is the main cause of various health problems? When we end up with a health problem we often think it is because of stress. Yes, it is definitely true, worries and stress further destructs the Rasas and leads to vyadhi which means disease. Along with stress there are various other general causes, various small mistakes that one makes on a regular basis further leading to big health problems. It is beautifully explained as “Dosha evam he sarvesha, vyadhi nam ek karanam” , which simply means there is no disease without the vitiation of doshas. So imbalance in the three doshas ; Vatta, Pitta and Kapha, further leads to a disease.
As a bird flying high in the sky cannot escape its shadow, similarly the root cause of a disease lies in the three doshas. Even the mental qualities like anger, positivity, passion, intelligence, dullness, etc are called the qualities of the mind. Even all these qualities are affected by the doshas. So the vitiation of the doshas further vitiates the Sapt Dhatus (7 tissues of the body). These Dhatus get nourishment from the food we intake, if any of these dhatus are vitiate then that leads to several diseases. For example – Skin diseases because of Rakt dhatu vikruti, low sperm count due to Rasa and Shukra dhatu, etc. So first the doshas are vitiated, then the dhatus and then the malas (Mutra, Purisha and Sweda).
Let us know the main causes of diseases in a very simple way, “Heen ati mithya yoga of Artha, kaal and karma”. The less involvement, more involvement and wrong involvement of Atha- sense organs, Kaal- season and Karma- action.
1] Mithya Yoga of Artha – This means the wrong indulgence of Artha. We often listen to music, speak or watch something on T.V or smartphones while eating our food. There might be a moment where we suddenly get scared because of some horror scene, or get upset over some scene, etc our intestine contracts, and it returns to it’s normal stage after 3 hours. During this contraction period a lot of indigestion takes place, which is a main cause of main diseases. One must eat consciously and avoid this.
2] Mithya Yoga of Kaal – Recently we witnessed rain in summers, even during the rainy season there was a lot of heat, this alteration is also a major cause of diseases.
3] Mithya Yoga of Karma – Using inappropriate words, speaking rudely, listening to inappropriate music, watching inappropriate things, etc all these vitiate the doshas. It first vitiates the air element of the body which is the Vatta dosha, then further moving on to vitiation of Pitta leading to several diseases.
4] Heen Yoga of Artha – It means less involvement of our sensory organs like speaking very less, thinking very less, listening very less, a person might be speaking but we do not pay attention, we are not conscious, in short the physical and the mental work is somewhere reduced.
5] Ati Yoga of Artha – It means Excess involvement of our sense organs. Some people consume 10-12 meals a day even when they are not hungry which further leads to issues incurable by modern science like Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcers, gallstones, etc. So one must avoid excessive eating while they are not hungry and also a lot of excessive involvement with respect to our sense organs.
6] Heen Yoga of kaal – This means lesser rain in monsoon and lesser heat in summers.
7] Ati Yog of Kaal – This means more heat than the expectation is witnessed in summers and usually more rains than the expectations are experienced in the monsoon, which somewhere affects the environment.
8] Heen Yoga of Karma – It means less use of actions which means reduction of mental and physical work.
9] Ati Yoga of Karma – It means excess involvement of actions.
These are the main causes of diseases along with stress and indigestion.
To Know More Watch Our YouTube Video :- https://youtu.be/lt3zuTTOtOI
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