Khadira | Ultimate weapon against itching


Skin Infections are majorly caused if you have a weak immune system or if you recently had cuts or wounds. They can be bacterial, viral, fungal or caused by parasites. Infections are pretty irritating, we face swelling, burning, scales, different kinds of puss or discharges, etc. Itching can be one of the most irritable symptoms. 

Khadira is one such ayurvedic herb which is very beneficial for all kinds of skin infections like eczema, psoriasis, acne, pimples, allergic hives, dermatitis, etc. It is a plant widely seen in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. It has a bitter and astringent taste and it is cool in nature. Khadira gives excellent results in treating the particular condition as well as eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Benefits of Khadira:-

1] Kandughna – All infections like fungal infection, psoriasis, eczema where severe itching is experienced. Khadira has been very beneficial to get rid of it.

2]Dantya – This herb helps us improve the quality of our teeth. Thousands of years ago when there were no toothbrushes or toothpastes, Khadira kanthika was used. Some of our elders still use this as it helps in preventing bad breath, gum wounds, oral ulcers and maintaining oral hygiene.

3] Shvitraghna – White patches on the skin which are commonly known as Vitiligo, khadira plays a major role in the treatment of this condition. 

4] Jvaraghna- If you have fever, khadira helps to cool down the temperature of your body.

5] Shothahara – Khadira is very useful in conditions like inflammation or swelling. 

6] Amahara – There are certain undigested waste products (Toxins0 in our body which further leads to indigestion. As we all know indigestion is the start of all major health issues and we have to treat it in it’s first stage itself. Khadira not only eliminates these toxins but also is proven useful in urinary tract infections and diabetes. 

How to use Khadira:- 

For eternal uses khadira is available in the form of oil, ointment and dusting powder which overall are useful for skin infections. But as we know Ayurveda focuses on the root cause and keeping the internal system strong. Khadirarishta is a classical ayurvedic medicine, available in many brands. Khadira shows it’s actions on our Skin, Blood and Intestines. There are several proprietary medicines like Actived India Psora- C Med or Twak – C Med which contain Khadira, making them excellent medicines for skin infections. 


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