How To Get Rid Of Constipation At Home?


Constipation is a major complaint in today’s time. Most people face this issue and want a complete solution for constipation as well as bloating and gases. As per Ayurveda, constipation is a sign that somewhere there is a Vatta imbalance. Vatta Dosha is the air element of our body, during constipation the air element is disturbed or there is blockage in the channels. In most of the patients having arthritis, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, depression or migraine somewhere constipation is associated. Even if constipation is a small discomfort, if neglected it can lead to various different complications like piles, liver disorders, metabolic disorders, etc.


Dehydration, lack of fiber, disruption of the gut, food sensitivities, bowel obstruction,excess consumption of sour and salty food, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, etc are the very well known causes of constipation. There are 5 types of Vatta present in our body; Vyana vayu, Udana vayu, Prana vayu, Samana vayu and Apana vayu. Due to these causes the Apan vayu gets affected and gets blocked in the lower part of the intestine. And hence constipation is caused.


As per Ayurveda the line of treatment is as follows –

1]   Abhyantara snehana – Abhyantara snehana means internal oleation, as soon as you wake up consume 1-2 tspn of cow’s ghee followed by a glass of warm water. If one is not comfortable, the second option is mixing 1-2 cow’s ghee in half a glass of cow’s warm milk. For better results use triphala ghrita instead of cow’s ghee. Triphala is a combination of Haritaki, Bibhitaki and amla, it boosts your immune system, improves digestion and has a lot of other benefits.

2] Bahya snehana – It means external oleation. It is said that Abhyangam Acharennityam Sa Jarashramavataha, this means application of oil on your body is very good for vatta related disorders like constipation. Apply Til tel all over your body and take a bath, for better results use Mahanarayana tel which is easily available in any of the nearby ayurvedic stores. Application of oil on a daily basis has lots of health benefits.

3] Appropriate consumption of Water – There is a misconception that we need to drink a lot water to be healthy, This will lead to future vatta related disorders like muscle pain, joint pain, constipation and blame it on stress and lifestyle but the main reason will be excess, unnecessary consumption of water. Drink a lot of water but only as per thirst.

4] Include more fiber in your diet – We must include more vegetables, salads which have more fiber content.

5] No holding urges – If you have an urge to go to the washroom do not neglect it. Neglecting these urges will lead to major issues in the future.

6] Pathya – Cut down the intake of excess dairy products, tea and coffee. Instead of regular tea one can consume jeera detox tea (Recipe in the link mentioned below).

Also there are various herbs which will help in relieving you from constipation like haritaki, castor oil, katukarohini, patol, draksha, aragwadha, etc. Castor oil is very helpful but one must consult a doctor to know the right dosage for their body type.


Take 10-15 black raisins, soak them in water for 1 hour and consume before going to bed.

All these factors, treatments and remedies will definitely help you but if you still face constipation do visit a doctor. 

To Know More Watch Our YouTube Video :-

Jeera detox tea recipe :-

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