How to Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally?


Many patients have to take their thyroid medicines for years and years, yet do not get changes or very few changes. Some patients have to start taking thyroid medicines from the age of 20-22. Ayurveda helps in curing such metabolic disorders/ conditions right from the root cause. There are beautiful treatments, procedures, remedies, tips, diet, yoga, explained for fighting this problem from its root cause without any external source, without any external drug the thyroid gland starts working properly. We all know that thyroid is an auto-immune disease, the person’s immunity has to be strong to fight against it, so ayurveda builds up our immune system to fight against thyroid without using any external drug. Let us know about certain tips that will help you in preventing or curing this condition in the long term.

Thyroid is one of the most important and sensitive endocrine glands, it easily responds to stress and this is the reason that the rate of thyroid disorders are increasing every single day. The main function of this gland is to produce thyroid hormones; trihydro thyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). It also produces calcitonin which plays a role in calcium homeostasis, it also has a function to control the rate of metabolism. Any impairment of the thyroid gland leads to 2 conditions ; Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is very common, fortunately Ayurveda recognizes this condition and has beautiful results for it.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism often mimic the symptoms of other diseases, it is often misdiagnosed, undiagnosed or the patient doesn’t feel like he/ she needs a thyroid profile test. Weight gain, cold intolerance, hot flashes, mood swings, vertigo, menstrual cramps, irregularity in  the menstrual cycle, all these are symptoms of hypothyroidism.

There are three doshas in our body; Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Once the Kapha dosha is vitiated it causes the depletion of Ojas. Ojas is the sara part (useful or superior part) present in every dhatu. The body’s own immune system starts attacking the thyroid gland once the ojas is depleted which further leads to depletion in the thyroid function and body’s metabolism. So the treatment should be done in such a way that the qualities of kapha dosha are getting reduced. So a treatment that would reduce the qualities of kapha dosha like manda (dullness), guru (heaviness) and the lekhan karya (scrapping effect). Also if we clearly see that 5000 years ago there was no direct description of thyroid but there was a disease called Galaganda having almost identical description as of thyroid. The first description of neck swelling was found in Atharveda by the name of Apachi . Acharya Charaka, the father of ayurveda, describes the 20 varieties of sleshmavikar , Acharya Sushruta explains that out of the seven layers of the skin, the sixth layer (Rohini) is the rogadi sthaan of Galaganda. In simple terms Galaganda can be co-related to Goitre or Tumor Pathology. But remember hypothyroidism is not a localized disease, the symptoms are present all over the body so the treatment should be in such a way that all the symptoms faced by the patient should be decreased and at the same time without any external source the TSH levels should be in control. 

5 Parts of the Treatment :- 

1] Consumption of proprietary medicines – Classical medicines are very useful for this condition. The Actived India Sli-C Med tablets and syrup are extremely beneficial. The dosage will be 2 tablets twice a day and 3-4 tspn of the syrup mixed with the same amount of water twice a day. It has herbs like Shilajit, Shuddha Guggul, Triphala, Varuna, Kachanar, Chitrak Mul, Erand Mul, etc. Out of this Kanchanar is one of the most effective medicines, there are several researches done on this particular herb for its functions that help in fighting against thyroid disorder. As we all know that thyroid is an auto-immune disease, the patient’s immunity has to be increased to fight against it. Immunomodulators like Nutri- G Med tablets and Nutri- Y Med syrup are extremely beneficial to boost the immunity. It contains herbs like Guduchi, Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Safed Musali, Tulsi, Brahmi, etc all present in extract form. 


2] External Application – We require Kanchanar Guggul or Sli- C Med tablets. Simply crush kanchanar guggul or Sli -C tablets into a fine powder and rub it all over the anterior part of your neck for about 20-30 minutes while bathing. Make sure your neck is a bit wet during the application. You will see changes in the TSH levels in the next few months. If you are not able to convert the tablets into powder you can use the Vacha/ Vaikhand Churna, it has scraping effect and is considered to be an excellent brain tonic. So when you scrub this Vacha powder over your skin it has an impact on your mind as well because there is bhrajak pitta present in your skin which has a relation with the mind and hence it is very beneficial. We have explained it in detail in our video of udvartan (link mentioned below). 

3] Panchakarma – It is the answer to most of the chronic and incurable diseases. It consists of  Vaman, Virechana, Raktmokshan, Nasya and Basti. All of these five procedures are always advised to be done under an authentic Ayurvedic Doctor’s Consultation. Out of these five, Nasya can be done at home. You can find a detailed video on Nasya therapy by visiting the link below. Performing Pratimarsha Nasya (a kind of nasya which can be done on a regular basis) every day, early in the morning is very beneficial. 

4] Ujjayi Pranayam – It helps in connecting your mind with your soul. It is also extremely beneficial for the thyroid gland. You can rule out this condition if you do Ujjayi pranayam on a regular basis. For best results one can do 5-10 rounds of Surya Namaskar, early in the morning on an empty stomach.

5] Diet – For all the metabolic disorders be it diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorder, if we want to reverse it the secret is being Calorie Deficit. You can visit our website (Link mentioned below) to find a free calorie calculator wherein you will have to put basic information like height, weight, age and you will know the number of calories that you require. Always consume a bit fewer calories than you require in 24 hours. Eat a bit less than your hunger and also chew your food 32 times. This will help you in the long term for melting all the fat, weight loss, increasing your immunity and many other benefits. Especially for Thyroid disorders, avoid alcohol, cabbage, coffee and cauliflower and increase the intake of Iodine rich foods. 

If you follow these five tips for the next 3-4 months, especially the last two ones then you will see changes in your TSH levels. Even Vaman, Virechana and Basti give us huge results but those have to be done under a doctor’s guidance/consultation. 

To Know More Watch Our YouTube Video :-

How to do Nasya :-

How to do Udvartan :-

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