Hair Treatment
Baldness in women is also characterized by female pattern thinning which though not so obvious, still causes significant loss of hair and women end up having low hair-volume.
Increase in hair count on the brush during combing
Widening of hair parting in the central area of scalp
Thinning on the crown and at the top of the scalp
Breaking of several hair shafts while combing due to damage
Sudden baldness after a major illness or surgery
Baldness after child birth or during lactation period also known as post-partum baldness
Hormonal imbalance
Genetic causes
Nutritional deficiency
Hectic lifestyle
The normal hair cycle results in replacement of every hair on scalp every 3 to 5 yrs, with the consequence that between 50 to 150 telogen hairs are shed each day. While there is some seasonal variation in the amount of hair lost every day, this number remains fairly uniform throughout life. Most this hair loss passes unnoticed, particularly when the hair is short.
- Nutritional
- Hormonal
- Metabolic
- Iatrogenic
- Autoimmune disorders
- Acute or chronic disease related
- Stress
Greying of hair at an early age is known as premature greying of hair. While grey hair is a part of the natural ageing process, excess of grey hair in people over the age of 30 is a cause of concern too.
Greying of hair seen in younger age. Hair start showing discoloration and grey star appearing which may start spreading fast.
- Heredity- It is seen in some families that greying starts in very early age.
- Lack of nutrition- Diet deficient of essential minerals like Iron, copper & zinc may trigger greying early in life. Some vitamin deficiencies may also contribute.
- Major illnesses can also trigger greying proving stressful to body.
- Mental stress can also aggravate greying.
Since premature greying is a controllable and not curable problem, the focus is about arresting the spread of greying till the physiological age of greying i.e. 30 and above.
- Dealing with complain of PMG, needs a clear understanding between doctor and patient, so on examination a rough evaluation is done about what is the percentage of greying in different anatomical areas of the scalp. Whether body hair are involved or not?
- Depending upon genetic susceptibility, age of the patient, nutritional status of the patient a clear objective is set.
- A specific amino acid needed in hair pigment synthesis is given as internal supplement for 1 year along with Vit. B complex. If needed iron supplements are also prescribed.
- Regular examination confirms the successful arrest.
- In young adolescents at times even colour changes are seen. The benefit of the treatment is observed even after the treatment.
- Deterrent factors are explained to the patient so that caution can be maintained to prevent relapse.
Premature Greying hair treatment is done with an objective to control, sustain and reverse the greying process; however the patient’s body response is a key factor in the process. This treatment is a long term process that shows results gradually and to varying degrees.
Alopecia aereta is one of the most common forms of hair loss observed by dermatologists. Earlier, there was no treatment for Alopecia and so people had to live with bald patches on their heads. But, now a deeper understanding of causes of Alopecia has given us some effective treatment modalities.
Richfeel trichology clinic has helped many people to treat the bald patches and regain their confidence.
What is Alopecia Aereta?
Alopecia aereta is skin condition characterised by hair loss that cause distinctive bald patches. It causes loss of hair from scalp, face and other parts of the body. Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder and occurs when body’s own defense system attacks some cells causing hair loss. For most people the condition resolves on its own within a year, but the hair loss is sometimes permanent. People who develop one of more bald patches in scalp find it very unpleasant and suffer a lot of distress.
- Sudden loss of hair in defined patches.
- Excessive hair fall even on touch.
- Bald patches spread rapidly.
- May start losing body hair.
- May show up on any part of the body and not necessarily involve scalp hair only.
- Seen after any acute health history or any stress.
What are the types of Alopecia?
Alopecia is mainly of two types-Non- scarring Alopecia and scarring Alopecia.
- Acute viral infection
- Any exposure to unusaul stressful factors like exterme weather conditions etc.
- Family history of Autoimmune disorders like SLE, RA etc.
- Emotional stress
- Immunisation
Excessive hair growth on unwanted parts of body in women is seen. This does happen in women around puberty and may be misunderstood as simple Hypertrichoses, but the distrubution of hair growth simillar to seen in men.
- Hormonal imbalances as seen in Cushing’s syndrome or with androgen produciong ovarian tumors
- Obesity
- Common in some communities such as Caucasians
- Genetic disoders like mixed gonadal dysgenesis which is a rare condition of genetic origin, where affected individuals are born with degrees of ambiguous genitalia and present marked hirsutism upon puberty
- Idiopathic- Some times seen even in absence of any significant reason.
If a woman shows signs of Hirtsutism ruling out any underlying endocrinal problem is a must. If no endocrinal or genetic problem is discovered , Hirtsutism treatment is suggested to control the problem.
- Since Hirtsutism causes cosmetic discomfort one needs to take hair removal with either lasers or electrolysis.
- Associated common ailments like androgenic alopecia needs to be attended with phytoestrogens.
- Oleaum Jacoris cream is given for twice a day application to reduce the rate of hair growth.
Trichotillomania is an impulse-control disorder characterized by recurrent hair pulling resulting in visible hair loss. Symptoms usually worsen when the individual is under stress. However, some individuals pull or twist their hair when they are bored or inactive or is engrossed in some activity e.g studying, watching T.V., sometimes while bathing or in the toilet etc.
- Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair resulting in noticeable hair loss.
- An increasing sense of tension immediately before pulling out the hair or when attempting to resist the behavior.
- Pleasure or relief when pulling out the hair.
- Sometimes patient does is it sleep and is unaware or deny any such habit but may complain of pain in scalp and a appearance of bald spot.
- Stress
- Anxious & nervous individuals, Introvert personalities.
Since Trichotillomania is a psychosomatic disorder patient need a lot of counselling. If needed internal supplements are given to support hair growth.
- Detail case history gives a fair understanding of the stress levels.
- Clinical examination shows rough patches of hair loss.
- Patient explained what is the problem. If the patient is already aware of the habit he /she is explaned what care he/she should take to help curb the habit.
- Simple proteins are used to support hair growth which are also helpFul in reducing stress levels.
- Patient is explained precautions and family is guided on how to support the patient to overcome the problem.
Diagnostic Criteria for Body Dysmorphic Disorder -
- Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight physical anomaly is present, the person’s concern is markedly excessive.
- The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Treatment - Hair restoration if indicated can be suggested immediately and may help. Regular counselling is needed. At times a simple amino acid known to be safest stress buster can be given.
Dandruff is a scalp problem caused by the flaking of skin tissues of the scalp, resulting in white flakes appearing all over the scalp and on the hair shafts.
Dandruff is the most common problem that affects everyone at some point in their lives, since flaking is a natural process of peeling of dead skin cells that are peeled off by the scalp. And dandruff’s natural existence cannot be completely eliminated; it’s the high and chronic levels of dandruff that need attention.
- Itching of scalp
- Flaking of scalp
- Sudden outbreak of acne
- Increased hair fall with every stroke
- Poor hygiene
- Leaving hair oiled for days
- Working under arc lights
- Frequent exposure to harsh chemicals
- Using scarves or bandanas constantly
- Exposure to hard water
- Exposure to bad weather conditions
Dandruff is a controllable disorder and not a disease to have cure. Patient education is most important in treating this problem.
- Regular Capilloscopy examination is done to check the scalp & type of dandruff.
- According to assessment of severity frequency of shampooing using specific ingredients is advised.
- Depending on the type of dandruff cream applications are advised which can be at times overnight.
- To strengthen the hairs which are deprived of nutrition due to dandruff multiminerals can be prescribed
Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of the skin cells. This is a problem that is fast increasing. Both adults and children are equally affected and it is a rare disorder in the case of children. The scalp is a common site for the occurrence of the problem, but it can also affect other parts of the body wherever there are folds of the skin like the elbows, knees and the likes. Psoriasis gives rise to a host of psychological problems and these vary in their degree and intensity depending on the individual, his age, mental ability to cope, support systems, etc. Unwillingness to socialize or to have sexual relations may be a fall-out of psoriasis and trichologists often have to double up as psychologists to help the patient out of this personal crisis.
- Excessive flaking of scalp with constant irritation.
- Dry rough patches appearing in hairline, behind ears, in eyebrows and at times on sides of nostrils.
- In advanced stages of the disorder folds of skin on body may also show involvement,
- On peeling of scales, scalp may start bleeding.
- Exposure to sun causes intense burning of the scalp.
- History of Autoimmune disorders in family
- After acute illness
- After stressful period
- Injury to scalp ( Koebner Phenomenon)
Psoriasis is of autoimmune nature. One can have long periods of remission and the aim of the treatment is to control the severity and frequency of the symptoms without administering any steroidal agents.
- After a careful physical and Capilloscopy examination the severity if the disorder is assessed.
- Topical emollients are given to soothe the inflamed scalp.
- Advice to stop oiling since oil many times causes aggravation.
- Any commercial product is advised to be refrained from as the scalp is very sensitive.
- If needed a specific amino acid is given in therapeutic dosage only after ruling out uncontrolled blood pressure and increased levels of uric acid.
- Guidance is given on cautions to be followed so as avoid any relapses.
The most common problem of this kind is known as Seborrhoeic Eczema. It is accompanied by reddening of the skin, irritation and scaling. Sometimes it is associated with an unusually greasy scalp. In babies, the condition known as cradle cap may be an early form of atopic eczema, which is a condition associated with heavy fever and asthma.
It is also called as atopic dermatitis. Atopic means cause is unknown but it gets triggered by stress, physical illness.
- It is auto immune in origin
- Allergic condition
- Sweating profusely
- Exposure to irritant
- Winter –cold weather
- Itching of scalp
- Oozing of secretions if not treated in initial stage
- Dryness of scalp
- Scaling---Flaky in nature
- Redness of scalp
- Colour changes seen on scalp after disappearance of lesion
Risk factors
- Psoriasis
- Any health related issues like Dermatitis, allergic reactions
- Diabetic, thyroid condition
Our approach
- After a careful physical and Capilloscopy examination the severity if the disorder is assessed.
- Topical emollients are given to soothe the inflamed scalp.
- Advice to stop oiling since oil many times causes aggravation.
- Any commercial product is advised to be refrained from as the scalp is very sensitive.
- If needed a specific amino acid is given in therapeutic dosage only after ruling out uncontrolled blood pressure and increased levels of uric acid.
- Guidance is given on cautions to be followed so as avoid any relapses
Dermatitis of the scalp is also indicated by scaling and redness. If it is severe, it may lead to hair loss. Any chemical treatment can lead to dermatitis. Colouring can cause dermatitis as the person is going to repeatedly use it.
Irritated, red, and itchy skin on the scalp, which causes the flakes known as dandruff, is called scalp eczema. The most common scalp eczema is called as Seborrheic Dermatitis. Sebo means sebum(oil). Scalp will exhibit oily skin. It involves scalp as well as body. It looks similar to psoriasis, allergic reaction.
- Genetic
- Stress
- Cold weather
- Few medical conditions
- Redness on scalp
- Oily scalp with eruptions
- Boils with lots of itching
- It involves the areas like breast, groin, under the folds of arms, around the navel.
Risk factors
- Psoriasis
- Autoimmune disorders like rosacea
- Acne
Our approach
- After a careful physical and Capilloscopy examination the severity if the disorder is assessed.
- Topical emollients are given to soothe the inflamed scalp.
- Advice to stop oiling since oil many times causes aggravation.
- Any commercial product is advised to be refrained from as the scalp is very sensitive.
- If needed a specific amino acid is given in therapeutic dosage only after ruling out uncontrolled blood pressure and increased levels of uric acid.
- Guidance is given on cautions to be followed so as avoid any relapses
Pityriasis Amiantacea
Also known as Tinea Amiantacea, Pityriasis Amiantacea is an eczematous condition of the scalp resulting in hair loss in which thick tenaciously adherent scale infiltrates and surrounds the base of a group of scalp hairs. Pityriasis amiantacea was first described by Alibert in 1832 — an inflammatory condition of the scalp in which heavy scales extend onto the hairs and bind the proximal portions together. It is not caused by a fungus.
Surgical hair restoration works essentially by extracting hair from a hair-loss resistant area and planting them on the recipient’s balding area.
Conventional surgical hair restoration methods, which are still highly practiced, consists of a strip comprising of the upper layer of the skin, which is cut out from the back and sides of the scalp with hair (known as the strip method). Individual hair units are then removed and implanted. This method is highly invasive, painful and leaves ugly scars behind. Later techniques comprising of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), allows individual hair to be extracted directly out of the donor area, which can then be implanted in the donor site, thus changing the way hair transplant surgeries are performed.
‘Aesthetic Hair Implants- AHI’ technique is the latest and the best in surgical hair restoration, which is now available in India.
This technique has redefined surgical hair restoration, through advancements in techniques for hair follicle extraction and implantation for ultimate results. This procedure is executable in just a day. There is no need for hospitalization and complex aftercare. The hair that is implanted is not only guaranteed to grow but, also stays with you for a long time to come.
- We can place up to 3000 to 5000 hairs in a single sitting
- Patented mechanized extractor with a tiny punch of 0.5-0.8 mm diameter
- Highly efficient and precise; speeds up extraction
- Healing of the donor area is quick
- Extraction marks are close to invisible
- Per sq. cm. density placement, is vital for a high density end result. AHI Implants about 60-70 hairs per sq. cm; way ahead of conventional methods
- The hair planted starts growing after 2-3 months at the rate of ½ cm/month
- Transplanted/restored hair roots behave in the same manner as the hair from the donor area
- Transplanted hairs can be cut or trimmed regularly after growth
- No requirement of any medicines to maintain growth of hair
- Hairs can also be shampooed or dyed
- Higher survival rate of hair
With this technique, we can place up to 3000 to 5000 Hairs in one procedure depending on the donor area.
The extraction method is hugely advanced over other extraction methods. We use a patented mechanized extractor with a tiny punch of 0.5-0.8 mm diameter. It is highly efficient and precise, as it speeds up extraction with higher number of hair extracted in a short time and prevents graft loss respectively. The healing of the donor area is quick and extraction marks are close to invisible. The unique extraction technique often leaves part of the follicle / sebaceous gland in the donor site following extraction which can create growth of 2 hairs from the one original follicle. Older techniques use manual punches of 1 – 1.5 mm diameter, which create large circular scars in donor site that can look ugly with short hair-cuts.
The AHI technique uses a patented implanter pen that allows implantation of far higher grafts / hairs per sq. cm. than any other method. Finest implanters are used to make an opening in the site. The size of these implanters allow for 60-70 hairs per sq. cm. whereas other methods can place up to only 45 hairs per sq. cm. The per sq. cm. density placement, is the most vital aspect for a high density end result. Many top international hair clinics do not use implanters for this very reason, that the needle point on the implanter has a wide diameter and therefore limits the doctor in the level of density / number of grafts that can be placed. The survival rate with this method is also far higher than those with the implanter for various reasons.
The hair planted starts growing after 2-3 months at the rate of ½ cm/month. The clients can see the results in 6-8 months. These transplanted/restored hair roots behave in the same manner as the hair from the area where they are extracted. These transplanted hairs can be cut or trimmed regularly after growth. If required, these hairs can also be shampooed or dyed and don’t require any medicines to maintain the growth, as it occurs naturally and permanently. Even after complete shaving, the hair will grow back and tend to do so for the rest of the life.
Hair Fall Treatment
Richfeel TST+ or Tricho Scalp Treatment Plus is a revolutionary, first-of-its -kind patented technique from Austria devised by Dr. Emil Vodder that uses manual lymph drainage for detoxification and rejuvenation of hair follicles. Richfeel TST + follows a three step process – internal medicines, external applications and free home care kit to ensure complete control over hair loss.
How does it Work?
In this treatment, we work on the lymphatic system which is secondary circulatory system, carrying nutrition, oxygen and toxins. So, with this treatment we detoxify the scalp so that nutrition and oxygen supply increases to the hair follicles which helps in strengthening and stimulating the hair follicles and helps in hair growth. This treatment helps in three ways:
- Disinfection
- Detoxification
- Rejuvenation
It is done, quite simply, by using the greatest machine God has made: human hands. The practitioner works in a smooth rhythmic manner on your hair and scalp, thus enabling you to relax your mind and body. 40 to 50 minutes are recommended to completely rejuvenate and detoxify your hair and scalp. It can also be done once a month as a healthy hair habit.