Curing Lichen Planus


Lichen planus is an inflammatory skin condition, characterized by an itchy, non-infectious rash on the arms and legs. It consists of small, many-sided, flat-topped, pink or purple bumps. The name itself suggests lychenification, wherein the skin becomes thick, fat as per elephant skin. Lichen Planus is an auto – immune condition, wherein the body’s own immune system starts attacking the skin. As per the ayurvedic terminology this condition has a resemblance with Charma Kushta explained about 5000 years ago in ayurvedic texts. Kushta is of two types; maha kushta and kshudra kushta. Charma kushta is a type of kshudra kushta.


As per western medicines the causes are unknown. But as per ayurveda there is a cause for every disease and there is a cure for every disease. In auto – immune diseases ayurveda notices rasa- dushti. As we know our body is made up of seven tissues and rasa dhatu is the first one of them. Rasa dushti basically means that this tissue is disrupted or has faced some imbalance. It is said that excess stress and worries disrupt the rasa dhatu. Virudh Aahar can also be a cause, for eg- consuming fish and milk in one meal, etc. These virudh aaahars create poison in the body, toxic waste part in the gut and definitely lead to major health issues. As per ayurveda, there is no itching or swelling without the aggravation of kapha dosha and we need treatment to balance it.


Now as per western medicine, immunosuppressants, prednisolone, acitretin and ultraviolet light therapy are given which are very useful to reduce the symptoms temporarily. Some patients have been taking medicines and treatments for years and years but still notice very few results. For these chronic conditions, lifestyle disorders and incurable conditions an Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment under an ayurvedic practitioner is very effective. As per the treatment for curing this condition must have certain factors like it should be reducing kapha and vata, eliminating the produced poison, eliminating the krumi (worms) from the body and even if the condition is external the health of the gut and mind is very important.  Application of Karanj oil is also very beneficial. Herbs like jatamansi, sariva manjistha and patolakaturohini are liver tonics and good for skin and pitta. A proprietary medicine can also be beneficial in curing this condition like Actived India Liv-C Med tablets and syrup. Generic medicines like Actived India Psora- C Med Syrup and Twak- C Med Tablets have herbs in extract like vidang, devdaru, chopchi, khadir, karanj, parpatak, dhanyak, alma, kutki, etc, which have excellent results. As we mentioned earlier that this is an auto – immune condition so we need to amke our immunity stronger so we will require a treatment which has diet, panchakarma and medicines for long term results. Consult an ayurvedic doctor before consuming any medicines as every person is different and only a doctor can advise the correct medicines and dosage as per your body type and condition. 

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1 thought on “Curing Lichen Planus

  1. srijita Bose Reply

    I have been suffering from lichen planus for about 9 years now. I have tried alopathy, but got no results. I have even tried Ayurveda for a month or so where the Panchakarma treatment was given to me…I followed that religiously, and paid hefty amount but still got ZERO results, just nothing. Rather I felt it made it increase a bit. Currently after giving up, I have started with Homeopathy treatment this year May 2021..till now have seen very less results… now I have come across this and I would really like to talk to Dr.Raj. please help me..

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