Today we will learn about Shatavari and it’s top uses and we will also consider a few problems and see how shatavari or combinations of shatavari can be absolutely safe and effective.
Shatavari, which is widely known by the name Asparagus Racemosus, it is found in the tropical areas of Asia, Australia and the countries of Africa. The tender leaves and flowers of shatavari are so beautiful that a lot of us plant it in our garden without being aware of the tremendous health benefits it has. Ayurveda has claimed that this herb can strengthen a woman to a point where she is capable of supporting one thousand husbands , now this gives us a hint about the traditional use of shatavari to support and tonify the female reproductive system. Talking about support, not just for younger women but also for the women in their middle and elder years to help them gracefully transition through the natural phases of life. Ayurveda has given the explanation of shatavari in very beautiful words which is, Shatavari, Guru, Sheeta, Tikta, Swani rasayani, Agni, Snigdha, Netra, Gulma, Atisara, Shukrala, Stanyakari, Balya, Vata, Pitta, these are the qualities of shatavari, Guru means heavy, Sheeta means cool in nature, Tikta means bitter in taste, Swani rasayani which means it restores physical and mental health, Agni means the digestive fire, Snigdha means the oily nature, Gulma means it is useful in abdominal pain, Netra which means it is good for our eyes, and Atisara means it is useful in diarrhea, Shukrala means something that improves and increases the quality and quantity of semen and sperm, Stanyakari means something that enhances breast milk production, Balya means it gives strength to the body.
These are the nourishing properties of shatavari traditionally used to support a number of systems and functions in the body :-
1) A healthy female reproductive system.
2) Healthy levels of breast milk production.
3) Supportive of male reproductive system as well.
4) Soothing effect on the digestive tract.
5) Moisturizing effect of the respiratory tract.
6) Promotes healthy energy levels and strength.
7) Supports the immune system.
8) Natural antioxidant properties.
Shatavari is available in the form of tablet, in the form of powder, in the form of ghee as medicated shatavari ghee, also in the form of small granules known as shatavari kalpa, and also in the form of oil known as Mahanarayan tel. Almost all lactation promoting medicines have shatavari as a main ingredient. So during the lactation period it is the most ideal herb, and in this lactation period, shatavari kalpa is always advised by the physician.
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