
Short Course : How to Make Suvarna Prashan Drops at Home

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

We’ve all heard about the benefits of Suvarna Prashan but here’s the first ever course that teaches a mother how to prepare Suvarna Prashan Drops at home

Suvarna Prashan Sanskar

A unique Ayurvedic method to boost immunity and intellect

Swarna means gold and Prashana refers to act of consuming. The act of consuming noble metal gold “ Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) ” is considered as one of the 16 essential Sanskars (regimens) described for improving overall health in children.

Whom to administer : Suvarna prashan can be given to age group of 0-16 yrs.

Reference of suvarna prashan sanskar in classics :

Swarna prashana develops medha (mental ability), agni (digestive power), bala (strength), aayu vardhana(prolonged life span), it is also Mangalakara(brings in good virtues in child, positive attitude in life, optimism, power to overcome mental and physical hardships, good fate), Vrushya(attractive nature and personality), Varnya(tones skin colour), Graha baadha nashaka(voids away associated evils). If swarna prashana is done regularly for 1 mth then child becomes extremely intelligent and remains unaffected by any infective diseases, If taken for 6 months regularly then child will be shrutadhara excellent grasping.

Overall It Makes Child Healthier. Children Taking Suwarna Prashan Doses Regularly Can Be Easily Distinguised From Their Remarkably Outstanding Physical And Mental Ability.



1 review for Short Course : How to Make Suvarna Prashan Drops at Home

  1. Alka pangat

    Suvarna prashan is considered a good ayurvedic immunity booster for kids.

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