Stop the Pill, Balance the Hormone


The combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), often referred to as the birth control pill or as “the pill”, is a type of birth control that is designed to be taken orally by women. It includes a combination of an estrogen and a progestogen. When taken correctly, it alters the menstrual cycle to eliminate ovulation and prevent pregnancy. As we all know our body it’s own rhythm to function, it has its own way. When one starts consuming these contraceptive pills, they disturb and disrupt the body’s rhythm and hormonal cycle. So its not the body carrying out its function naturally but the pill interfering artificially or manually. Every time one tries to take things under their control there is a high probability of facing a number of side effects. Diabetes and thyroid are hormonal disorders and these may begin from a very minute mistake like the long term use of contraceptive pills. 

There are side effects of birth control pills, although the majority are not serious. Side effects include: Nausea, Weight gain, Acne and Pigmentation, Excess Hair Fall, Sore or swollen breasts, Small amounts of blood, or spotting, between periods, Lighter periods, Mood changes and Mild headache. All these are the most common side effects. 

To recover from these side effects and get our body’s original rhythm back,

1] One needs to understand that the body requires time to get back to normal. The body needs at least three months to be back to normal.

2] One has to be ready for the withdrawal symptoms as they will appear once we stop taking the pill. 

3] In the mean while, when one is recovering they can consume this classical Ayurvedic formulation, Ashokarishta. The bark of the ashoka tree is the main ingredient used here. It is very useful or a number of gynaecological complains, also it is completely natural, safe and effective. Along with this one will need a set of ayurvedic medications in order to balance the hormonal cycle in a natural way. These medications depend on the prakruti and complains of the patient and hence consulting an Authentic Ayurvedic Doctor is essential. 

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